Saved by Poetry
Episode 174 of The Path to Authenticity features the first in a two-part conversation with Albert Flynn DeSilver, a poet and prose writer, speaker, and workshop leader. Albert served as Marin County California’s very first Poet Laureate from 2008 to 2010. He is the author of the memoir Beamish Boy. His latest nonfiction book, Writing as a Path to Awakening: A Year to Becoming an Excellent Writer and Living an Awakened Life—based on his popular writing workshops by the same name—was published by Sounds True in 2017. Albert is also a mindfulness meditation teacher and speaker having presented with U.S poet laureate Kay Ryan, bestselling authors’ Cheryl Strayed, Elizabeth Gilbert, Maxine Hong Kingston and many others. He is the founder of the Brilliant Writers Online Writing School and teaches writing at literary conferences nationally. Learn more at albertflynndesilver.com. Enjoy. -tg
To book a free, 30-minute writing strategy session, where you can discuss any aspect of writing, editing, or publishing with Albert, click here.
The Path to Authenticity is brought to you by GIA Miami. Founded by world-class mental health experts, GIA provides advanced care for difficult-to-treat conditions, including anxiety, medication-resistant depression, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Using state-of-the-art methods, GIA can help people recover from conditions when more-traditional approaches can’t. Dr. Antonello Bonci has assembled an expert team serving international clientele in a modern and resplendent Miami setting. If you or someone you love is suffering with depression, anxiety, OCD, or other mental health concerns, call GIA at 833-710-0828.
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© Copyright 2022, Tom Gentry; Music: What Now?, The Road, and Generation X by Punk Rock Opera, all edited for use. Used with permission from the artist under a Creative Commons license.
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