Mike Iamele - The Path to Authenticity
The Path to Authenticity
Repost: Brand Strategist Mike Iamele

The Brand of Being

Episode 113 of The Path to Authenticity features a conversation with life purpose expert and branding strategist Mike Iamele. Mike is author of Enough Already: Create Success on Your Own Terms. A key part of his work involves helping people determine what he call their “sensitivities.” Mike goes into detail about this process in an episode where we ponder some big questions, including what it means to be a man today’s world. Learn more about Mike at 20 Questions for Mike Iamele. Enjoy. -tg

Visit tomgentry.net to learn more about Tom and his work.   

If you enjoyed this episode, you might also like episodes 12 and 14 with Psychology Today publisher John Thomas.

In this episode, Tom discussed The Spiritual Teaching of Ramana Maharshi.

© Copyright 2021, Tom Gentry; Music: What Now, 1984, and Guitar Lessons (Reprise) by Punk Rock Opera, all edited for use. Used with permission from the artist under a Creative Commons license.