As if It Didn’t Matter
Episode 181 features a conversation with Dr. Dheena Sadik, who lives and works in Colombo, Sri Lanka. She discusses the pursuit of her education as a female growing up in a traditional, male-dominated culture. We also hear about how she has navigated her romantic life in a culture where arranged marriage is the norm. This conversation took place on the Clubhouse app, a few days after the U.S. Supreme Court draft opinion on Roe v. Wade was leaked to the public. It makes for a timely episode, with the decison having just been overturned. Click here to read my blog post in response to the decision. Enjoy. -tg
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The Path to Authenticity is brought to you by GIA Miami. Founded by world-class mental health experts, GIA provides advanced care for difficult-to-treat conditions, including anxiety, medication-resistant depression, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Using state-of-the-art methods, GIA can help people recover from conditions when more-traditional approaches can’t. Dr. Antonello Bonci has assembled an expert team serving international clientele in a modern and resplendent Miami setting. If you or someone you love is suffering with depression, anxiety, OCD, or other mental health concerns, call GIA at 833-710-0828.
© Copyright 2022, Tom Gentry; Music: What Now?, The Road, and Generation X by Punk Rock Opera, all edited for use. Used with permission from the artist under a Creative Commons license.
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