A Good & Holy Life
Martha Agnes Gentry: August 23, 1930 – November 28, 2021
Episode 122 was originally released as a special Mother’s Day installment of The Path to Authenticity. It features a conversation with my then 90-year-old mother, Martha Gentry. I wanted an opportunity to ask her some of the questions I never asked my dad. She tells about when she first met my father, what dating him was like, and their wedding and honeymoon. We also talk about our family history as it relates to alcoholism. I definitely learned some things in this conversation. For those who are new to the podcast, or don’t know my family, the liner notes will help you have a better understanding of our conversation. Enjoy, and be nice. -tg
In this episode, I mentioned episode 15, with Terry Shapiro, and episode 4, with Mimie Langlois. We later discuss episode 79, with John Snyder. Check out my inspiration for this, the episode of Blind Spots:Exploring What We Cannot See, in which Dr. Chantelle Thomas features her mother. If you enjoyed this, you might also like episode 140.
January Journaling Challenge
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The Path to Authenticity is sponsored by Windrose Recovery, a family of premier addiction treatment programs in southeastern Wisconsin. Privately owned, Windrose offers a full continuum of personalized care for those struggling with addiction, including the Manor for residential treatment, Windrose Counseling for outpatient treatment, and Midwest Detox for inpatient detoxification. If you or someone you love is struggling with addiction, call Windrose Recovery at (414) 409-5300. Or, visit windroserecovery.com.
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© Copyright 2021, Tom Gentry; Music: Devils in the Airwaves, The Road, The Bad Plants, and Guitar Lessons (Reprise) by Punk Rock Opera, all edited for use. Used with permission from the artist under a Creative Commons license.
We acknowledge that The Path to Authenticity and its related content are produced on what was the land of the Jaega people, to whom we offer our respect.