The Wisdom of the Inner Child
In this episode, upon release of the third edition of her book “The Power of Your other Hand,” Lucia Capacchione, Phd. talks about growing up in the creative atmosphere of Hollywood. She tells us how, more than once, her own inner child has brought her back from debilitating physical illness. She recounts the evolution of her career from artist, to school teacher, art therapist, psychologist, author, and consultant. Hear her conversation with host, Tom Gentry, on episode one of The Path to Authenticity. Click here for her Amazon page.
Lucia Capacchione is the best-selling author of 22 books, including: Recovery of Your Inner Child, The Creative Journal and The Power of Your Other Hand. A Registered Art Therapist and pioneer in Expressive Arts Therapies she conducts workshops and professional certification training in her innovative methods. Lucia’s methods are being used worldwide in education, therapy and life coaching. Her texts and workbooks are used in courses on art therapy, psychology, creative writing, and art. Her techniques are used in cancer support groups, schools (K-12), memory care centers, and programs for veterans. Her books have been translated into 20 languages.
You can hear more from Lucia in episodes five, 40, 47, and 57.
Click here to read the transcript of this episode.
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© Copyright 2020, Tom Gentry; Music: Buy a Guitar, The Bad Plants, and Guitar Lessons by Punk Rock Opera, all edited for use. Used with permission from the artist under a Creative Commons license.
The Path to Authenticity is a podcast for people looking for more from life. It focuses on emotional wellness and starts from the premise that our true power comes from our individuality. We talk to various types of writers and artists as well as therapists, coaches, teachers, entrepreneurs, and professionals of all kinds. Our guests possess one common trait. They’re people who know who they are. We talk about what makes them who they are, how they became who they are, and how we might become truer expressions of who we are.